All posts tagged sustainability
The themes of each of our three summer studios were borrowed as panel themes for HDL Global 2010. Last week we talked about the Education panel, and this week we're sharing the video from our Sustainability panel.
The goal of the panel sessions at HDL Global was to expand the work of the studio, which focused on an issue within Finland, to include input from the global community. You could think of it as a very (very) brief road testing session: is the broad thematic area of the studio dramatically different in other contexts? Might the studio concepts helpful elsewhere?
To find out more about the Sustainability Studio, the best place to look is here in the Dossier, our living archive. The Challenge and Opportunity Space which were part of the call to action, and the Summary which is a quick recap of where the Studio ended the week, are two good entry points.
Since the studio concluded we've been working on finding opportunities to convert some of the sketched "hunches" into prototype projects. That work is ongoing and we'll share developments here as they emerge.
Left to Right: Federico Parolotto, Janne Hukkinen, Katharina Schmidt, Dan Hill, Patricia McCarney, Seppo Junnila, Matthias Rudolph, Alejandro Aravena.
Alejandro presents the Studio's work
Timo Mäkelä, Director of Sustainable Development and Integration at the DG Environment of the European Commission, comments during the Friday review
With more photos on Flickr if you cant get enough. Photos by Ivo Corda.