Design Exchange Programme
Last updated 31 May, 2013

DIVIDER detailsProject details

jaanaJaana Hyvärinen City of Helsinki, Department of Social Services August 2012—August 2013 Better public services: prototyping online...
DIVIDER outcomesOutcomes (as of June 2013)
Last updated 29 May, 2013
MORE: bsr blogThe Brickstarter project blog is the best place to find more information about the project. The introduction and background posts are good places to...
PartnersPartners Although this project was conducted without official partners, we are grateful for the involvement of all the groups who took time to share...

More text 1Brickstarter recognizes that the built environment entails such cost, lengthy timelines, and potential divisiveness that the ways we make choices...
DIVIDER moreMore resources
Open Kitchen
Last updated 29 May, 2013
Thursday 6/12/2012 Thursday 6/12/2012 Independance day !

header project detailsProject details
header scheduleSchedule
happening nowWhat's happening now? At the time of writing (June 2013) Haaga Helia, the main hospitality school in Helsinki, is exploring how they can offer Open...
Last updated 29 May, 2013
scheduleSchedule Fall 2008 Sitra develops initiative vision and competition model March 2009 Low2No competition officially launched May 2009 Five...
compe: lowcarbonLow Carbon High Urban By Peter Rose & Partners, Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates, Guy Nordenson and Associates, Transsolar Climate Engineering...

DIVIDER outcomesOutcomes (as of June 2013)
Sitra roleSitra/HDLs Role Designed and funded Low2No competition; lead project team through city block design phases; initiated related projects (e.g. Open...
Clues to Open Helsinki
Last updated 18 March, 2012

letter pt.1Hello from Helsinki 2012, This site features a set of postcards that feature clues to an open and happier Helsinki. As a collaboration between Sitra...

Growing Västerbotten (HDL x UID)
Last updated 17 January, 2011

Meet the TeamMeet the team!
TuesdayTuesday 09:00-12:00 Synthesis session: what do we know? 12:00-14:00 Lunch 14:00-18:00 Field visits / fact finding

Ageing Studio (2010)
Last updated 12 August, 2010
Gray Gold1. Gray Gold The elderly have massive investment and purchasing power. How can this be activated to create new markets for products and services?...
Eliminate formal retirement age2. No formal retirement age Full-stop retirement is a concept designed for industrial society conceptions of labour and leisure. Why stop all at...
Social And Service NetworksSocial And Service Networks for care Who provides the care and services for their well-being?
Where to live?Where to live? Perhaps the most fundamental decision affecting the elderly

Education Studio (2010)
Last updated 12 August, 2010

DIVIDER 10 IDEAS10 ideas (in no particular order)
Discontinuation increased [everywhere] except for vocational education.
4. From administrative structures that are hierarchical and vertical to Ones that are inclusive, open and flexible4. From administrative structures that are hierarchical and vertical to ones that are inclusive, open and flexible
A standout kindergarten teacher is worth about $320,000 a year.
Sustainability Studio (2010)
Last updated 10 August, 2010
Distribution of CO2 Emissions from Transport by Type 2002Distribution of CO2 Emissions from Transport by Type 2002
7. Invent Medium-Density Public Transport 7. Invent Medium-Density Public Transport Innovations in products and services catered to transportation within a medium-density population

2. Zero-Energy Homes for Key Gate- Keepers 2. Zero-Energy Homes for Key Gate- Keepers Enlist famous citizens from politics, business, sports, and culture to lead the transition away from...
5. Emphasize Small-Scale Natural Areas5. Emphasize Small-Scale Natural Areas Let nature seep into cities in small pockets.