Done. Is there more to be said? We're done with the big event, this team's first stab at hosting a gathering of 100+ people from all over the world. I'm very proud of our effort. Feedback from the participants thus far has been overwhelmingly positive. Go team!
This snapshot was taken a couple hours before HDL Global began, as Marco and I walked with the panel moderators to see the venue. It's an accurate description of the HDL team's mental acuity at the moment.
At 11am on a Monday morning the team is still looking a little tired. The previous week of hyperspeed organizing, preparing, futzing and fixing is now being paid back as all that expended energy echoes ahead of us while we ramp down, disintegrating focus at an equal but opposite rate as we applied it during the ramp up.
If you missed it before, I highly recommend you read Marco's welcome letter to the HDL Global 2010 guests.
We're also happy to have guest blog posts from four participants: Rory Hyde's summarization of the bus schedule vs. the building is a nice recap that explains strategic design, Helen Han gives us some thoughts on the importance of visualization, Ido Mor wonders what problem solving looks like when we work on problems with no reference, and Anna-Leena asks us to accept complexities.
In coming days we'll be posting follow ups from our four guest bloggers as well as more images and thoughts from the event. For now, our sincere thanks to: Emil+Stephanie for making the finest of event materials; XOXCO for their excellent help on the dossier and liveblog aspects of this site; Ivo Corda and Pekka Mustonen for fantastic photography; Sanna and her team at Management Events for their able handling of everything behind the scenes; the 100+ people who came from far and wide to be part of our event; and to you, dear reader, for following along at home. See you in Week 078!