The population of Finland is 5.3 million
- 59,530 births in 2008
- 21.8% of population is under the age 19
- 10.3% of the population is between the ages 7-16 [Primary Education]
- 3.8% of the population is between the ages 17-19 [secondary Education]
Finland is getting older
- In twenty years (2030), the population of Finland is projected to increase 8.8%
- The younger population under the age fifteen will increase 6.3%
- The elderly population above the age sixty-five will increase 61.6%
Finland is becoming more diverse
- Since the year 2000...
- Foreign nationals living in Finland increased 55% to 143,000 foreigners
- Immigration increased 72% to 29,000 new immigrants
- Naturalized citizenship increased 124% to 6,700 new citizens
In the early 1990's, only 1% of the population in Finland was a foreigner. Today, that number is closer to 3%.
Finland's student population reflects this increasing diversity
Finland is becoming more educated
- In 2008, 65.5% of the population had a degree or educational qualifications 1.25 million students are enrolled in education leading to a qualification or degree
- 22% population is currently a student